Friday 14 October 2011

A Fascinating Person I Met

I was in Equador for my once a year well deserved holidays. It is a tropical country that has no season. It can be in the middle of the winter and the temperature would be the same as in the middle of the summer. The food was absolutely amazing, it was very beautiful, it had many colours and the taste was like an explosion of new tastes inside my mouth.
The nature in this country is absolutely mesmerising. It is so beautiful and so pure. Seeing parrots in the wild was very nice too. The local people where very nice and they invited me to go fishing with them in the river. They had a very special way of fishing. It like a big trap made of wood that they have inside the river, the fish go through and then they collect them. It is nothing compared to our good old fashion way of doing it with the fishing rod but it sure is effective. During a village party I met a very interesting person that had just arrived from Costa Rica. This young fascinating English woman had spent there three weeks as a volunteer in Costa Rica in a project for the protection of the environment. She told be fascinating stories about how she saved many baby turtles that where facing death. She said that the previous year, she was a volunteer in Guatemala and she taught English to children that were deprived of education. When she arrived, the school had just been built by other volunteers and she was the first teacher these children ever had. So as I am keeping all these memories from my trip, I am now planning to spend my next holidays as a volunteer in Latin America.

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