Friday 5 August 2011

A Walk in the Viennese Park

Most of the time people living in the “western” world today spend the majority of their lives worrying about the future . Live in the big city would be a nightmare without its lungs – the green spaces. This aspect of our live that we're taking for granted has classic measures in Vienna. This is the right place where one can admire the genius behind the modern concept of a leisure activity.

3 magic words – hotel Vienna Austria and every tourist paying a visit to the heartland of Central Europe is up to the hustle and bustle in the old Habsburg capital. Many people, feeling exhausted after a quick tour of the city's monumental buildings and places of fine arts, tend to ignore the multitude of green places. This would be much of a surprise, considering that almost all of the must- see architecture wonders in the city have parks attached to them.

Among the park facilities are the Stadtpark, the Burggarten, the Volksgarten(part of the Hofburg Palace) and the park of the Belevedere castle – home to the Vienna Botanic Gardens. The famous Schonbrunn's palace has its own park which includes the world's oldest zoo, founded in 1752. Many of Vienna's famous parks include monuments, such as the statue of Johann Strauss junior. Well known is the principal park of the city – the Prater, which is home to the Riesenrad(Ferris wheel or simply “Viennese giant wheel”), one of the most popular tourist attractions. The park also features various rides, bumper cars, carousels, roller coasters and more.

Considering Vienna's multicultural status and rich cultural tradition, parks are essential for anyone who's searching for a nice and calm place for relaxation. Hotel Vienna Danube offers such a possibility.

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