Wednesday 5 January 2011

Tips - How To Kill Time At The Airport

If you are used to travel and spend hours at the airports all over the world, you know how boring it could be to wait for your flight. It is getting even worse when your flight is cancelled. So I am sure that you need to read some tips how to kill the time.

Some flights have been cancelled at the Orly Airport in France and those who were there know how hard it is to look around and find almost nothing interesting to do. Some may suggest to go to one of the Orly hotels and relax there. But as you may know Orly Airport is used by low cost airlines flights so most of the people cannot pay for that pleasure. That is why I will give you some ideas how to kill the time.

Check out the bookstores for any book that you can browse, read or buy a book. This can take a hour off your time. Another way to make the clocks of your watch move faster is to go online. Some airports offer free Wi-Fi access. Definitely your stay will more pleasant if you can spend much of it surfing in facebook.

One of my favourite activities while I am waiting for a flight is to take a cup of coffee and watch the great variety of people going pass. It is quite interesting and exciting to watch how different cultures mixed together at the airport. Definitely you will like that show.

I have many fascinating conversations with strangers at the airport. Last time when I was at Orly Airport I had the opportunity to talk with a great man from Australia. It was really nice experience to share your interests and point of view with someone you have never met.

Hilton hotel Orly is an excellent choice for those who like luxury and comfort. For those who have hours to kill: use your imagination and make your stay a nice experience.

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